Wednesday, November 01, 2006

November 1st, 2006 ... but who cares?

It is getting very late in the year 2006 for me to start remembering my New Year's Resolution made 11 months ago. I am not really sure what, if anything, it was. But I am just as firm and resolute as ever in my haste to stop doing whatever it was I was doing that was bad back then.  But I still smoke, although trying to quit.

I did quit for 2 days last week, until we went to the Old Marple Blues in Wichita on Thursday. Got hired by the band there, had some beers so you just have to have a smoke with it. Haven't burned a black spot on the keyboard yet with a fallen ash......

So this week, I wear a patch on work days so i don't have to go outside. Smoke at home and in the Band, but soon hope to be off them altogether. We'll see.

Best get back to work, might be a 911 call that is someone who needs a big red truck or something....



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