Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Storms coming........what did I write?

Seeing today, December 29th, 2006 that in this entry there is nothing, I am wondering to myself what in the hell did I write about. Storms? Were they rain or snow? Who knows. But I will say this, it is a month later and still no major storms. There is a 2nd big snow storm over the Rockies today and headed this way, maybe we get a bit of that.

News story today on Fark indicates "2006, the year that sucked"

Wife and I had a pretty good year. Spent about 10K more than we made, same for the past 4 years. So our CC debt resembles the National Debt, but since I am a conservative republican/libertarian and the wife is a right wing democrat, all our debts do not have to be paid off, we just find a Senator, like my old friend Pat Roberts, who will pork barrel some cash my way for the "BoneHeadDave Improvement Fund" so we can continue our trips and purchases without paying for them just like the Feds do now.

2006: Government is a joke. FEMA is a bigger joke. Democrats are still liberal communists and the News Media has not changed one iota. So I am looking ahead to 2007, and my new years resolution will be, lose 15 pounds (again) ride the bike for aerobics (again) and quit wasting my time on the computer (again). There. It is in print. Now I go do it.

See ya'll later.


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