Hi there, persons who never read this here blog stuff...
It is getting very near the end of 2007, and I sit here about 3:07 AM at work, no calls to send the Cops to, so I thought I would write a bit.
My band, Infusion, has 1 more gig for 2007. At a little bar in downtown Wichita on Friday the 21st. Party for LearJet employees and their friends and wives. Last year it was at the Old marple theatre, and it was a lot of fun. This year, at least our band sound good, and we have a lot of fun just playing for ourselves.
Bought another Leslie speaker last Friday, from my brother Dan. It is the one, model 147, that I bought new back in 1972 for $700.00 plus the preamp deal. Got it last week for $600.00, a real bargain as they are worth $2400.00 now. It was a mess, very dirty and had rust on all 4 motors. There were mouse droppings in the main enclosure, and I had to strip it down to the case and clean then rebuild all motors and bushings. Got it all back together Saturday night, it was 28 degrees in the garage then, had a small heater going on me.
Mary helped me get it in the house last night and I hooked it up to one of my keyboards and the thing would not work. Dan said it worked fine 2 weeks ago. Uh huh. Nope. The motors would not turn the speakers until I went throught them Saturday. So there is this little tube, RCA 12AU7A that had been pushed to the side, and the tines were bent, si i was straightening them up and the durn thing broke, the glass had been cracked. I got another one from the 142 in the other room and put it in and wallah! worked like a champ. Set the preamp on 4 and low volume on the keyboard output and the 147 was very loud and very clear tones, the Bass was very nice. Mary came in and told me to turn it down please.....LOL she was trying to watch tv.
So that works, I ordered 2 replacement 12AU7A tubes for the 142, and will have a spare. Then I ordered 4 recessed speaker handles, 2 smaller ones for the 142 and 2 large ones for the bigger 147. Each weigh about 160 pounds, and these will make it easier to move about. I figure I have spent about $4720.00 on music equipment in the last 3 years, and I made what, 400 total on all the gigs this last summer? Ok. But I never was in it for the money anyway. If I was, I would have gone to LA in 1973 and not have gotten married then, and played with my friends in the Carson Band in Burbank.
I am planning to take the Hammond and the 142 Leslie to Mary's mothers in Moran, as she plays Organ in 3 Churches, and would love to play one at home. Don't want to sell it, unless she give me at least 4K for it, might do that...
Need to go and call 10-17 on the Officers cause I don't know what they are up to, Donut shop opens in about 5 minutes so I know they will be there.
Talk at ya later, and please take care and git home safe tonight.
Wednesday, December 12, 2007
Thursday, October 25, 2007
October 25th 2007
I am still here, conscious and breathing.
A big RATS on I have to work Thanksgiving and Christmas both this year, so I don't get to go to Mom in laws in Moran and get stuffed with all the goodies......
but Mary and the kids do, so Rats again, and Darn It too.
Gotta run again and enter 3 vehicles into NCIC before I go home.
Mwebee I type more in here tomorrow night.....
I am still here, conscious and breathing.
A big RATS on I have to work Thanksgiving and Christmas both this year, so I don't get to go to Mom in laws in Moran and get stuffed with all the goodies......
but Mary and the kids do, so Rats again, and Darn It too.
Gotta run again and enter 3 vehicles into NCIC before I go home.
Mwebee I type more in here tomorrow night.....
Thursday, June 28, 2007
An "It's About Time for an Entry" Addition
Hey, ya'all...
It's Summertime, and all the trees and leaves are green, and the Red Birds sing, and you don't want my love....."
Ho Kay
I have not added anything here since the Winter. Mary and I have been taking the long weekends off for travel, she got out of Middle School end of May, then had some elective surgery to tone the bod, then we have been making trips on days off.
First dive trip to Beaver Lake AR was a month ago, took the new scooter and camera with us (pics and videos on my site) had a lot of fun, then last week we had 4 days off, so we rode her Harley to Chicago bang bang.. and that was a hoot.
This weekend we plan to go to New Mexico and check out the Scuba Diving there starting with Navajo Lake in the NW part near Aztec. I want to go to the Blue Hole at Santa Rosa but Mare is a wuss at the 61 degrees water temp there, but she would be ok if'n she wears her 5 mil suit. No bikini's there, I tell you, or she freeze her buns right off, and a dry suit is only $1300.00. Ouch. Arkensas and Bull Shoals area is raining, Port Aransas and Destin Florida it is raining, but New Mex it is dry....
My band, Infusion, play about 2 times a month at Mort's Cigar and Martini Bar in Wichita, not enough for me, but then, we have been busy with that that we have not played in the Municipal band here but 1 time on the opening concert in the park.
Planning a trip to ride AROUND Lake Superior early August with my bro in law Ramiro in Minneapolis MN on our Harley's, need to let sis Mary ready this as we want to come up on ....... oops, just looked at the calendar, wont have time to do that as Mary had to start school on August 9th. That sucks. And I work then, so I can be off to play at Mort's the 10th and 11th..... We used to start school on the day after labor day. Now, the teachers need 7 to 9 days to get ready in August. Well, Mary doesn't, she can do it in 2 days, but the others are slow and need a lot of extra time arranging desks and chairs and dusting off books.
I need to go now, outside and have a smoke. I am taking Chantix, to quit smoking, but have 3 packs left to use up, so I will be clean by next week....
It's Summertime, and all the trees and leaves are green, and the Red Birds sing, and you don't want my love....."
Ho Kay
I have not added anything here since the Winter. Mary and I have been taking the long weekends off for travel, she got out of Middle School end of May, then had some elective surgery to tone the bod, then we have been making trips on days off.
First dive trip to Beaver Lake AR was a month ago, took the new scooter and camera with us (pics and videos on my site) had a lot of fun, then last week we had 4 days off, so we rode her Harley to Chicago bang bang.. and that was a hoot.
This weekend we plan to go to New Mexico and check out the Scuba Diving there starting with Navajo Lake in the NW part near Aztec. I want to go to the Blue Hole at Santa Rosa but Mare is a wuss at the 61 degrees water temp there, but she would be ok if'n she wears her 5 mil suit. No bikini's there, I tell you, or she freeze her buns right off, and a dry suit is only $1300.00. Ouch. Arkensas and Bull Shoals area is raining, Port Aransas and Destin Florida it is raining, but New Mex it is dry....
My band, Infusion, play about 2 times a month at Mort's Cigar and Martini Bar in Wichita, not enough for me, but then, we have been busy with that that we have not played in the Municipal band here but 1 time on the opening concert in the park.
Planning a trip to ride AROUND Lake Superior early August with my bro in law Ramiro in Minneapolis MN on our Harley's, need to let sis Mary ready this as we want to come up on ....... oops, just looked at the calendar, wont have time to do that as Mary had to start school on August 9th. That sucks. And I work then, so I can be off to play at Mort's the 10th and 11th..... We used to start school on the day after labor day. Now, the teachers need 7 to 9 days to get ready in August. Well, Mary doesn't, she can do it in 2 days, but the others are slow and need a lot of extra time arranging desks and chairs and dusting off books.
I need to go now, outside and have a smoke. I am taking Chantix, to quit smoking, but have 3 packs left to use up, so I will be clean by next week....
Friday, June 01, 2007
From the "Mindless Ramblings of an Old Guy"
Monday, December 25, 2006
It's Christmas Day
Hi all. No one reads this but me and poss the girlfriend.....
It is Christmas day 2006. I sit here at work making 2.5 times normal hourly wage. 10 bucks an hour. Or so. Wow. Law Enforcement. Don't do it for the money cause there isn't any.
26 years ago when I got in this line of work I was an Oilfield Engineer. I appled to the hays, kansas PD and was hired. Chief Younger told me that my continued employment with the Hays PD was contingent upon me completing and passing all of the psycological exams. I was making more money than he was then. He thought I was crazy. I told him I could be making $1,000,000.00 a year in the Oilfield and I would still be underpaid. Hated it, the long days and hours stuck out in nowhere boonies getting drilling rigs unstuck, bacteria controlled, or the PH up.
Well, I passed the MMPI and the tests. I was indeed sane and can prove it. Don't tell the ex's or the girlfriend, they still think I am a nut. LOL
So grilfriend and her daughter went to Mom's in Moran and I get off in an hour, so I will have the TV to meself for a time. Woo. There is a new kitty in the house to play with Mufasa, the stupid kittie. It is 8 months old but about 1/3 the size of Mufasa or a 13 pound cat. My friend at work said i could have one of her Maine Coon cats, so I might have to do that instead of the kitten. It is still a bit wild fresh off the farm.
So we will see. Until I get another minute between 9-1-1 calls; later!
Posted by Dave Dave Dave at 3:19 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, November 29, 2006
Winter is here ...
December will be here in 1 day.
Winter Storm Watch posted for my area for today and tomorrow, freezing rain, thunderstorms, ice, snow. Great stuff. Glad I am on my days off. Plan to play at the Old Marple Thursday night with the band, might be hectic getting around to go if the roads ice up.
Boring here at work. They are all running 28's all night long. Like they have a reason to know who owns this or that. Very strange how they do things in this County. A lot different than I was used to in Western Kansas, where life is much more simple, and the Cops don't have "quota's". Unethical, I say. But what do i know. I am just a Conservative Republican type, not Liberal like some here seem to be.
Updated my Photobucket pics and uploaded several more. Now have 491 pics there.
All for now, keep checking back ....
Posted by Dave Dave Dave at 2:22 AM 0 comments
Sunday, November 19, 2006
Keeping this post open for someday the wife unit will post something
Posted by Dave Dave Dave at 9:57 PM 0 comments
It's Christmas Day
Hi all. No one reads this but me and poss the girlfriend.....
It is Christmas day 2006. I sit here at work making 2.5 times normal hourly wage. 10 bucks an hour. Or so. Wow. Law Enforcement. Don't do it for the money cause there isn't any.
26 years ago when I got in this line of work I was an Oilfield Engineer. I appled to the hays, kansas PD and was hired. Chief Younger told me that my continued employment with the Hays PD was contingent upon me completing and passing all of the psycological exams. I was making more money than he was then. He thought I was crazy. I told him I could be making $1,000,000.00 a year in the Oilfield and I would still be underpaid. Hated it, the long days and hours stuck out in nowhere boonies getting drilling rigs unstuck, bacteria controlled, or the PH up.
Well, I passed the MMPI and the tests. I was indeed sane and can prove it. Don't tell the ex's or the girlfriend, they still think I am a nut. LOL
So grilfriend and her daughter went to Mom's in Moran and I get off in an hour, so I will have the TV to meself for a time. Woo. There is a new kitty in the house to play with Mufasa, the stupid kittie. It is 8 months old but about 1/3 the size of Mufasa or a 13 pound cat. My friend at work said i could have one of her Maine Coon cats, so I might have to do that instead of the kitten. It is still a bit wild fresh off the farm.
So we will see. Until I get another minute between 9-1-1 calls; later!
Posted by Dave Dave Dave at 3:19 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, November 29, 2006
Winter is here ...
December will be here in 1 day.
Winter Storm Watch posted for my area for today and tomorrow, freezing rain, thunderstorms, ice, snow. Great stuff. Glad I am on my days off. Plan to play at the Old Marple Thursday night with the band, might be hectic getting around to go if the roads ice up.
Boring here at work. They are all running 28's all night long. Like they have a reason to know who owns this or that. Very strange how they do things in this County. A lot different than I was used to in Western Kansas, where life is much more simple, and the Cops don't have "quota's". Unethical, I say. But what do i know. I am just a Conservative Republican type, not Liberal like some here seem to be.
Updated my Photobucket pics and uploaded several more. Now have 491 pics there.
All for now, keep checking back ....
Posted by Dave Dave Dave at 2:22 AM 0 comments
Sunday, November 19, 2006
Keeping this post open for someday the wife unit will post something
Posted by Dave Dave Dave at 9:57 PM 0 comments
Thursday, December 28, 2006
More on the subject of 2007
When I was 17, I thought when it was the year 2000, if I made it that far, I would then be old. 2000 was so far away. 30 years away from when I was 17.
Then here it is, 2000, and I am on special duty as a Cop for the big computer crash and end of the world as none of the mainframes will be able to convert 1999 into 2000 at midnight. Midnight came and went, no bells or sirens, just J K speeding his Harley down Main Street at 80 miles per hour in celebration. We let him just do it. I mean he weighed more than his Harley then.
Now it is 2007. And I really AM old. LOL Have all my hairs yet, and a great young looking wife, nice job, plenty of hobbies of travel and thrilling times. Polotics and matters such mean something. It is still all about money, who gets away with crime, and who does not. Principle means naught. Values are gone away. Kids can't make change. Service is all about gone. Ethics are not what they used to be.
I received an Email about something Ben Stein said. Made a lot of sense, too. Read it at http://www.snopes.com/politics/soapbox/benstein2.asp It is good.
Here are some things that will get you going:
I believe there should be no "drinking age" as then it would eliminate the taboo of getting away with something. But there would be responsibility for your actions, no matter what age.
The legal driving age in America would be 17 years. No permits or exceptions. Human children do not had a fully functional brain until the age of 26. Before that they cannot readily asses risk. They are prone to speed, drive recklessly, get a thrill and the like.
There is no such thing as ADD and ADHD. I does not exist. It was invented by Drug companies for Teachers and Parents who do not know how to dicipline kids. Teachers should be given the right to beat your kid if he misbehaves. Parents should spank the crap out of them fof the same reason. Let the Liberal Democrat Social Workers go to hell for telling us Dr Spock was right and do not touch the little bastards as you might ruin their creativity. Spanking builds character. I have a lot of it. Psycologists went along with the Rents and drug up the kids in a quick fix so the problem goes away. Yeah. Right.
Global Warming does not exist. Well, yes it does. The Sun has been getting hotter for the last 127,000 years. Temps will continue to rise about 1.5 degrees every 100 years. Then, in about 30,000 years or so, they will go back down again, and we will have another ice age.
All drugs should be legalized. We spent over 23 Billion $$ on the "war on drugs" since it started. Did the "war" make any difference? No. Can you still get drugs? Yes. Easier to get and cheaper now, too. There is a 17,000 % mark-up on Cocaine. Very tempting to sell it. Make it legal, then it goes for 1$ a pop.
If a person wants to use drugs, he will, no matter what the law is or where they are. Put the money into rehab and education. Put the 11,000 drug officers onto the street as traffic cops. Since the drugs would be so cheap, there would be fewer Burglaries the druggies make to get the $$ to buy the drugs.
With alcohol and drugs, if you use them, and hurt someone, you go to jail for a long time on the first offense. No breaks. No probations. Jail.
I like what Morgan Freeman said in "Bonfire of the Vanities" movie. In the Courtroom, the word Justice came in, and most of the gallery did not believe the Defendant [Tom Hanks} received it. They called the Judge a racist pig. Freeman said...
"Justice? You want Justice? I'll tell you what Justice is. Justice is the Law. And the Law, is Man's feeble attempt, to set down the principles of decency. Decency. And decency is not a bribe, a contract or a hustle. Decency; decency is what your Grandmother taught you. Its' in your bones. Now, go home. Go home and be decent people. Be decent."
I always love that part.
When I was 17, I thought when it was the year 2000, if I made it that far, I would then be old. 2000 was so far away. 30 years away from when I was 17.
Then here it is, 2000, and I am on special duty as a Cop for the big computer crash and end of the world as none of the mainframes will be able to convert 1999 into 2000 at midnight. Midnight came and went, no bells or sirens, just J K speeding his Harley down Main Street at 80 miles per hour in celebration. We let him just do it. I mean he weighed more than his Harley then.
Now it is 2007. And I really AM old. LOL Have all my hairs yet, and a great young looking wife, nice job, plenty of hobbies of travel and thrilling times. Polotics and matters such mean something. It is still all about money, who gets away with crime, and who does not. Principle means naught. Values are gone away. Kids can't make change. Service is all about gone. Ethics are not what they used to be.
I received an Email about something Ben Stein said. Made a lot of sense, too. Read it at http://www.snopes.com/politics/soapbox/benstein2.asp It is good.
Here are some things that will get you going:
I believe there should be no "drinking age" as then it would eliminate the taboo of getting away with something. But there would be responsibility for your actions, no matter what age.
The legal driving age in America would be 17 years. No permits or exceptions. Human children do not had a fully functional brain until the age of 26. Before that they cannot readily asses risk. They are prone to speed, drive recklessly, get a thrill and the like.
There is no such thing as ADD and ADHD. I does not exist. It was invented by Drug companies for Teachers and Parents who do not know how to dicipline kids. Teachers should be given the right to beat your kid if he misbehaves. Parents should spank the crap out of them fof the same reason. Let the Liberal Democrat Social Workers go to hell for telling us Dr Spock was right and do not touch the little bastards as you might ruin their creativity. Spanking builds character. I have a lot of it. Psycologists went along with the Rents and drug up the kids in a quick fix so the problem goes away. Yeah. Right.
Global Warming does not exist. Well, yes it does. The Sun has been getting hotter for the last 127,000 years. Temps will continue to rise about 1.5 degrees every 100 years. Then, in about 30,000 years or so, they will go back down again, and we will have another ice age.
All drugs should be legalized. We spent over 23 Billion $$ on the "war on drugs" since it started. Did the "war" make any difference? No. Can you still get drugs? Yes. Easier to get and cheaper now, too. There is a 17,000 % mark-up on Cocaine. Very tempting to sell it. Make it legal, then it goes for 1$ a pop.
If a person wants to use drugs, he will, no matter what the law is or where they are. Put the money into rehab and education. Put the 11,000 drug officers onto the street as traffic cops. Since the drugs would be so cheap, there would be fewer Burglaries the druggies make to get the $$ to buy the drugs.
With alcohol and drugs, if you use them, and hurt someone, you go to jail for a long time on the first offense. No breaks. No probations. Jail.
I like what Morgan Freeman said in "Bonfire of the Vanities" movie. In the Courtroom, the word Justice came in, and most of the gallery did not believe the Defendant [Tom Hanks} received it. They called the Judge a racist pig. Freeman said...
"Justice? You want Justice? I'll tell you what Justice is. Justice is the Law. And the Law, is Man's feeble attempt, to set down the principles of decency. Decency. And decency is not a bribe, a contract or a hustle. Decency; decency is what your Grandmother taught you. Its' in your bones. Now, go home. Go home and be decent people. Be decent."
I always love that part.
Sunday, December 10, 2006
Almost Christmas
Hey there bloggers of the Earth, it is December 10th. Yeah.
Almost Christmas.
Wife has most of her shopping done. I used to be along very
well by this time, but I don't have a clue what to get for her,
the kids, or the grandkids.
So I need some ideas. And a list of stocking stuffers, too.
So that, on the 24th, I can go out, with allht e 127 Million
other American men here, and so our shopping and be done
with it all on the same day. Like last year. I was so in a hurry,
I rammed a Jeep trying to get out of a parking lot.
Not all my fault, the asshole went like he was pulling out then
stopped at the last minute. But, being a Cop for 24 years, I know
I was following too close.
Under 500 so no report needed, no damage to the Jeep, just to
my POS Saturn, so I go on home.
Wife is writing in her Blog. First time she ever did this.
I read it and it is good. A bit hard for me to understand as
I am a man but she write very good stuff.
Time to go, I add her to my link list
Almost Christmas.
Wife has most of her shopping done. I used to be along very
well by this time, but I don't have a clue what to get for her,
the kids, or the grandkids.
So I need some ideas. And a list of stocking stuffers, too.
So that, on the 24th, I can go out, with allht e 127 Million
other American men here, and so our shopping and be done
with it all on the same day. Like last year. I was so in a hurry,
I rammed a Jeep trying to get out of a parking lot.
Not all my fault, the asshole went like he was pulling out then
stopped at the last minute. But, being a Cop for 24 years, I know
I was following too close.
Under 500 so no report needed, no damage to the Jeep, just to
my POS Saturn, so I go on home.
Wife is writing in her Blog. First time she ever did this.
I read it and it is good. A bit hard for me to understand as
I am a man but she write very good stuff.
Time to go, I add her to my link list
Wednesday, November 29, 2006
Storms coming........what did I write?
Seeing today, December 29th, 2006 that in this entry there is nothing, I am wondering to myself what in the hell did I write about. Storms? Were they rain or snow? Who knows. But I will say this, it is a month later and still no major storms. There is a 2nd big snow storm over the Rockies today and headed this way, maybe we get a bit of that.
News story today on Fark indicates "2006, the year that sucked"
Wife and I had a pretty good year. Spent about 10K more than we made, same for the past 4 years. So our CC debt resembles the National Debt, but since I am a conservative republican/libertarian and the wife is a right wing democrat, all our debts do not have to be paid off, we just find a Senator, like my old friend Pat Roberts, who will pork barrel some cash my way for the "BoneHeadDave Improvement Fund" so we can continue our trips and purchases without paying for them just like the Feds do now.
2006: Government is a joke. FEMA is a bigger joke. Democrats are still liberal communists and the News Media has not changed one iota. So I am looking ahead to 2007, and my new years resolution will be, lose 15 pounds (again) ride the bike for aerobics (again) and quit wasting my time on the computer (again). There. It is in print. Now I go do it.
See ya'll later.
News story today on Fark indicates "2006, the year that sucked"
Wife and I had a pretty good year. Spent about 10K more than we made, same for the past 4 years. So our CC debt resembles the National Debt, but since I am a conservative republican/libertarian and the wife is a right wing democrat, all our debts do not have to be paid off, we just find a Senator, like my old friend Pat Roberts, who will pork barrel some cash my way for the "BoneHeadDave Improvement Fund" so we can continue our trips and purchases without paying for them just like the Feds do now.
2006: Government is a joke. FEMA is a bigger joke. Democrats are still liberal communists and the News Media has not changed one iota. So I am looking ahead to 2007, and my new years resolution will be, lose 15 pounds (again) ride the bike for aerobics (again) and quit wasting my time on the computer (again). There. It is in print. Now I go do it.
See ya'll later.
Saturday, November 18, 2006
My God, it's almost Thanksgiving
It is November 18th, 2006. Where did the year? I'm getting old...
We did a lot this year. Lots of dives. Added many miles on the Harley and the other one .....
I read the Mom-O-Matic blog most often... she is quite entertaining, and right down to Earth, too. She took a hiatus, since the 9th, but was back on today. Must have gotten edgy not posting much....
Played in the Infusion band last night at the Old Marple downtown Wichita. Lots of fun and lots of Blues. I'm sitting at the Organ.
Infusion Pix and Video Page
There was this little old black man there last week, I think his name is Willie, and then again last night. He used to work for Mr. Laurens Hammond. "The" Mr. hammond of B3 organ fame back in the 40's. He worked 26 years there and was an Organ Techician. He asked to sit at mine and I was very pleased. He plays the Blues and Jazz so well. I took several video's of him playing with the band. Took notes on how he played open chords with 7th's and 9th's floating all over on several Octaves. Wow.
My main hard drive at home crashed, error reading the main index file. So once that is fixed I will be posting the new Infusion Blues videos on-line.
Now back to work tellin the Deputies where to go next...
Happy Thanksgiving to you....
It is November 18th, 2006. Where did the year? I'm getting old...
We did a lot this year. Lots of dives. Added many miles on the Harley and the other one .....
I read the Mom-O-Matic blog most often... she is quite entertaining, and right down to Earth, too. She took a hiatus, since the 9th, but was back on today. Must have gotten edgy not posting much....
Played in the Infusion band last night at the Old Marple downtown Wichita. Lots of fun and lots of Blues. I'm sitting at the Organ.
Infusion Pix and Video Page
There was this little old black man there last week, I think his name is Willie, and then again last night. He used to work for Mr. Laurens Hammond. "The" Mr. hammond of B3 organ fame back in the 40's. He worked 26 years there and was an Organ Techician. He asked to sit at mine and I was very pleased. He plays the Blues and Jazz so well. I took several video's of him playing with the band. Took notes on how he played open chords with 7th's and 9th's floating all over on several Octaves. Wow.
My main hard drive at home crashed, error reading the main index file. So once that is fixed I will be posting the new Infusion Blues videos on-line.
Now back to work tellin the Deputies where to go next...
Happy Thanksgiving to you....
Wednesday, November 01, 2006
November 1st, 2006 ... but who cares?
It is getting very late in the year 2006 for me to start remembering my New Year's Resolution made 11 months ago. I am not really sure what, if anything, it was. But I am just as firm and resolute as ever in my haste to stop doing whatever it was I was doing that was bad back then. But I still smoke, although trying to quit.
I did quit for 2 days last week, until we went to the Old Marple Blues in Wichita on Thursday. Got hired by the band there, had some beers so you just have to have a smoke with it. Haven't burned a black spot on the keyboard yet with a fallen ash......
So this week, I wear a patch on work days so i don't have to go outside. Smoke at home and in the Band, but soon hope to be off them altogether. We'll see.
Best get back to work, might be a 911 call that is someone who needs a big red truck or something....
I did quit for 2 days last week, until we went to the Old Marple Blues in Wichita on Thursday. Got hired by the band there, had some beers so you just have to have a smoke with it. Haven't burned a black spot on the keyboard yet with a fallen ash......
So this week, I wear a patch on work days so i don't have to go outside. Smoke at home and in the Band, but soon hope to be off them altogether. We'll see.
Best get back to work, might be a 911 call that is someone who needs a big red truck or something....
Monday, October 23, 2006
Almost November
Hello, world.....
It is almost November.
And the days are shorter and colder and it is depression times for us.
Still sick on every day off, the crap in my chest was unusually heavy this morning, had a very hard time breathing, felt like I needed O2 at 5 LMP by nasal cannula....
I got hired to play the keyboard in a Band in Wichita 2 weeks ago, made it to the first night but last Thursday I was sick again, so I will shoot for nthis Thursday. I love playing Rock and Blues with people that know what they are doing...
Well, they owner of the bar just got the new Peavey sound system, had the sliders set on the floor monitors and not the mains, so I helped him out with that.... and he only has 1 DI, so my little 6 channel mixer went into that for the guitars and my keys to go thru the mains. I need an amp of my own I guess.
There was also this Bass player, Mark Guinn on string Bass, that I used to play with at Kelly's Irish Pub across the street, he was there and got all pissed off at something and left early. I think it was because I was there. He doesn't like anything electric, only acoustic. I can see his point when he has the Bass and not mic'ed, but he talked several times how much he hates too much volume. So he was there for one song and it sounded good, we could all hear him, then later he just packed up and left. If I had an acoustic Organ then I would go to Winfield and all that, but no one has invented one yet...
So it is going to be a hurry hurry up again as I get off work at 911 at 7 then have to start playing at 8 at My Room, and it is a 28 minute drive for here to there. Mary, bless her heart, helps me set up. Oh I need to go to Wichita and get a cord. Ok. And maybe price amps at a music store my brother works at.... hmmmmmmm......
It is almost November.
And the days are shorter and colder and it is depression times for us.
Still sick on every day off, the crap in my chest was unusually heavy this morning, had a very hard time breathing, felt like I needed O2 at 5 LMP by nasal cannula....
I got hired to play the keyboard in a Band in Wichita 2 weeks ago, made it to the first night but last Thursday I was sick again, so I will shoot for nthis Thursday. I love playing Rock and Blues with people that know what they are doing...
Well, they owner of the bar just got the new Peavey sound system, had the sliders set on the floor monitors and not the mains, so I helped him out with that.... and he only has 1 DI, so my little 6 channel mixer went into that for the guitars and my keys to go thru the mains. I need an amp of my own I guess.
There was also this Bass player, Mark Guinn on string Bass, that I used to play with at Kelly's Irish Pub across the street, he was there and got all pissed off at something and left early. I think it was because I was there. He doesn't like anything electric, only acoustic. I can see his point when he has the Bass and not mic'ed, but he talked several times how much he hates too much volume. So he was there for one song and it sounded good, we could all hear him, then later he just packed up and left. If I had an acoustic Organ then I would go to Winfield and all that, but no one has invented one yet...
So it is going to be a hurry hurry up again as I get off work at 911 at 7 then have to start playing at 8 at My Room, and it is a 28 minute drive for here to there. Mary, bless her heart, helps me set up. Oh I need to go to Wichita and get a cord. Ok. And maybe price amps at a music store my brother works at.... hmmmmmmm......
Thursday, October 05, 2006
October 5th
I been sick.
Probably just a cold or something...
Anyway, girlfriend and I made it to Medicine Lodge last weekend for the tri-annual Peace Treaty celebration they have there. Saw a lot of old classmates and friends from high school most I had not seen in 30 plus years. That was nice.
Saw my friend Kevin and his band Dorfus Crack Tractor at Mike's Bar and they really are very good. I was impressed. Told them they STILL need an Organ player (hint hint). Met his friends David and Justin. David plays the guitar and sings and can play just about any song written after 1240 AD. Justin is the cleanest drummer I've heard since College, right up there with Findley and Hatfield.
Took a lot of pics and videos. Go down the page here to my pic link and see them. Yes, you have to do a bit of exploring to find the pics link page but it is worth it in my opinion. Put more pics of my girlfriend on the PhotoBucket pages. Had to trim them a bit to keep them in line with their no nudes photo policy ...
Then it is back here for work work work and sickness.... hope to go diving again next week with new friends from Augusta, they want to go to Tenkiller, but it is getting colder and girlfriend does not like it too chilly, even with the 5 mil suit and hood on. We will see about that.
It is about 5 AM central time, been up since 3:35 ish.... dreams of fighting in the Outer Rim in my space ship....coughing up yellow and green stuff.... and bored to death.
Will add more here a bit sooner than every 2 weeks I think, I do this for my own personal therapy, I guess, as I don't know if anyone out there reads this. No way to tell really.
Later, Crouton (as bostonblueyes says it)
Probably just a cold or something...
Anyway, girlfriend and I made it to Medicine Lodge last weekend for the tri-annual Peace Treaty celebration they have there. Saw a lot of old classmates and friends from high school most I had not seen in 30 plus years. That was nice.
Saw my friend Kevin and his band Dorfus Crack Tractor at Mike's Bar and they really are very good. I was impressed. Told them they STILL need an Organ player (hint hint). Met his friends David and Justin. David plays the guitar and sings and can play just about any song written after 1240 AD. Justin is the cleanest drummer I've heard since College, right up there with Findley and Hatfield.
Took a lot of pics and videos. Go down the page here to my pic link and see them. Yes, you have to do a bit of exploring to find the pics link page but it is worth it in my opinion. Put more pics of my girlfriend on the PhotoBucket pages. Had to trim them a bit to keep them in line with their no nudes photo policy ...
Then it is back here for work work work and sickness.... hope to go diving again next week with new friends from Augusta, they want to go to Tenkiller, but it is getting colder and girlfriend does not like it too chilly, even with the 5 mil suit and hood on. We will see about that.
It is about 5 AM central time, been up since 3:35 ish.... dreams of fighting in the Outer Rim in my space ship....coughing up yellow and green stuff.... and bored to death.
Will add more here a bit sooner than every 2 weeks I think, I do this for my own personal therapy, I guess, as I don't know if anyone out there reads this. No way to tell really.
Later, Crouton (as bostonblueyes says it)
Tuesday, September 12, 2006
It's Tuesday
Monday, September 04, 2006
MySpace: the Devil's Magnet
Any of you out there get caught up in the MySpace page building and friends collecting fad?
I had, and now I am streamlining my MySpace page to show how much I am disgusted with it.
At first, it was great, having all your friends on there, seeing what they are up to, posting funny little blurbs and pics there for all to see. Then some asshole starts putting posts in your comment box that are not yours or never would be. These show up on all your friends pages, too. Advertisements. They get tired of it, I get tired of it, deleting 5 or 6 a day, so I say to hell with it.
Can't use it at work, at home I don't have the time, so we just see how soon it is before all my "friends" follow suit. Oh, then there are those little half nekkid hotties that have 900,000 friends? Yeah. Right. Like you ever saw a fraction of that through your beer soaked, pot filled, little red bug eyes.
I think the real reason My Space exists is for that guy, Tom, to meet fat 13 year old girls. You know, the ones always coming up with those stupid 8th grade 13 year old questionaires?? Rediculous.
I'm outta here.
I had, and now I am streamlining my MySpace page to show how much I am disgusted with it.
At first, it was great, having all your friends on there, seeing what they are up to, posting funny little blurbs and pics there for all to see. Then some asshole starts putting posts in your comment box that are not yours or never would be. These show up on all your friends pages, too. Advertisements. They get tired of it, I get tired of it, deleting 5 or 6 a day, so I say to hell with it.
Can't use it at work, at home I don't have the time, so we just see how soon it is before all my "friends" follow suit. Oh, then there are those little half nekkid hotties that have 900,000 friends? Yeah. Right. Like you ever saw a fraction of that through your beer soaked, pot filled, little red bug eyes.
I think the real reason My Space exists is for that guy, Tom, to meet fat 13 year old girls. You know, the ones always coming up with those stupid 8th grade 13 year old questionaires?? Rediculous.
I'm outta here.
Wednesday, August 30, 2006
Something about today ...
Today is never over ...
It goes on forever ...
Why will the voices not go away?
Will the tumor in my head ever stop moving?
What is for lunch today?
You have a lovely day, for I am having the time of my life.
It goes on forever ...
Why will the voices not go away?
Will the tumor in my head ever stop moving?
What is for lunch today?
You have a lovely day, for I am having the time of my life.
Thursday, August 24, 2006
Pics from Saturday's trip
Just a few pics from our trip...

Mary at Table Rock Dam, the first break...

Just after we went down here, I saw 2 divers coming up from deep as they had full wetsuits on. 10 feet deep. The one on the right had his face planted in the rock wall. I signalled the other, looking at me, "are you ok?" He signalled "I am OK" I signalled "what's wrong with him?" He advised "I don't know"

The diver with his face to the wall came up fast and stopped and looked at me, took his 2nd stage out of his face and signalled "I am out of air, help!!" I reached for my Octopus as did his buddy, then, knowing we were only 10 or less feet from the surface, motioned to the top, "Go Up Fast!" We did. Surfaced. His face was red and he was gasping for air, but ok. He said he came up the wall way too fast and was afraid he was in trouble. He calmed down and (I hope) realized he did not come up too fast.

Mary said the young diver (buddy) with him was his Divemaster. Uh huh. I think the 2 should take basic over again.
During training several years ago in swift water recovery of bodies, vehicles and planes, and crime scene evidence with Dr. Lee Somers (one of the founders of PADI) in St. Louis, we studied 34 diver deaths where there should not have been any accident. In 90% of the deaths, we learned that it was
panic that killed the divers. Might have been Nitrogen Narcosis.
Don't panic, just come up 60 feet a minute, or, better yet, don't go that deep in the first place.
My scuba Babe

Mary at Table Rock Dam, the first break...

Just after we went down here, I saw 2 divers coming up from deep as they had full wetsuits on. 10 feet deep. The one on the right had his face planted in the rock wall. I signalled the other, looking at me, "are you ok?" He signalled "I am OK" I signalled "what's wrong with him?" He advised "I don't know"

The diver with his face to the wall came up fast and stopped and looked at me, took his 2nd stage out of his face and signalled "I am out of air, help!!" I reached for my Octopus as did his buddy, then, knowing we were only 10 or less feet from the surface, motioned to the top, "Go Up Fast!" We did. Surfaced. His face was red and he was gasping for air, but ok. He said he came up the wall way too fast and was afraid he was in trouble. He calmed down and (I hope) realized he did not come up too fast.

Mary said the young diver (buddy) with him was his Divemaster. Uh huh. I think the 2 should take basic over again.
During training several years ago in swift water recovery of bodies, vehicles and planes, and crime scene evidence with Dr. Lee Somers (one of the founders of PADI) in St. Louis, we studied 34 diver deaths where there should not have been any accident. In 90% of the deaths, we learned that it was
panic that killed the divers. Might have been Nitrogen Narcosis.
Don't panic, just come up 60 feet a minute, or, better yet, don't go that deep in the first place.
My scuba Babe

It's Friday for you, Monday for me...
Hi there blog-world humans.
Time to add something here for this week.
All caught up on the household chores, sept for watering the new grass out in the back yard.... we went to Emporia last night on the Harley and ate at the Village Inn there, bad foor, poorer service. I need to keep a list of bad places to stay away from as I can't remember shit anymore with my old age and all. Went back home on Hwy 99 and it was a nice trip.
Speaking of old age, I had a race out of work the other day (I won) and I was totally pooped out. I need to stop the smoking and eating too much, and ride my bicycle a bit for aerobic excersize.
I put up new pics on the website last night. Click on my scuba pic below and you will go there. New main page, but use the links on the left side, go to the pics pages and hit "monthly...." and see where you go.
Also had a great day with the wife on Saturday, see the pics from Beaver and Table Rock on the pics page or from the Summer/Scuba page.
I need to go get on the bike now, and have a smoke.
Later, bloggers.
Time to add something here for this week.
All caught up on the household chores, sept for watering the new grass out in the back yard.... we went to Emporia last night on the Harley and ate at the Village Inn there, bad foor, poorer service. I need to keep a list of bad places to stay away from as I can't remember shit anymore with my old age and all. Went back home on Hwy 99 and it was a nice trip.
Speaking of old age, I had a race out of work the other day (I won) and I was totally pooped out. I need to stop the smoking and eating too much, and ride my bicycle a bit for aerobic excersize.
I put up new pics on the website last night. Click on my scuba pic below and you will go there. New main page, but use the links on the left side, go to the pics pages and hit "monthly...." and see where you go.
Also had a great day with the wife on Saturday, see the pics from Beaver and Table Rock on the pics page or from the Summer/Scuba page.
I need to go get on the bike now, and have a smoke.
Later, bloggers.
Tuesday, August 15, 2006
About Me
My friends
First Post 08 15 2006
Hello there bloggers, time for me to stop surfing all the blogs and start on for myself.
I will put links to my regular site here as soon as i can figr out how to do that.
Enjoy my little part of the cyberverse.
I will put links to my regular site here as soon as i can figr out how to do that.
Enjoy my little part of the cyberverse.
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